In English
About World Vision Finland
World Vision Finland is one of the largest development cooperation organisations in Finland and an independent part of World Vision, the world’s largest child sponsorship organization.
In English
World Vision Finland is one of the largest development cooperation organisations in Finland and an independent part of World Vision, the world’s largest child sponsorship organization.
World Vision has a long history of taking action that transforms the world. Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. Together with supporters like you, we’ve helped millions of children and families out of poverty and we are often the first on the ground when disasters strike.
World Vision Finland is one of the largest development cooperation organisations in Finland and an independent part of World Vision, the world’s largest child sponsorship organization. Together with our supporters World Vision Finland supports around 2 million people, protecting and defending children and their rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Your support transforms lives – and during our 70 years of experience, we have developed our partnership with communities to ensure your donations lead to lasting transformations. Our integrated approach includes water, healthcare, education, child protection and income generation. We believe it takes a whole community to create happy and fulfilling childhoods and we work together with communities so that they are empowered to do just that.
Because of your support, we are able to commit to the communities we work alongside, staying for up to 15 years to ensure families are self-sufficient, healthy, thriving and able to continue making positive changes on their own. When disaster strikes, we are on the ground, quickly providing immediate support – and we stay to help rebuild lives for children, families, and communities.
We are proud to work with anyone who will help us have a greater impact and provide better futures for vulnerable children. We have over 70 years of experience working with communities, supporters, INGOs, partners, academic bodies and governments to transform children’s lives. We monitor the productiveness of our work and regularly report on our progress to our supporters. Our projects are planned and followed up on by experienced experts.
Experience has taught us that the most effective way to transform lives is through a holistic approach, which means that we tackle the root causes of poverty through involving communities which creates a lasting impact. Our goal is to ensure all children are cared for, protected, educated, and feel loved and cherished.
When you make a donation to World Vision Finland you can rest assured that it will be well spent so that it will have the greatest possible impact on the children and communities who need it the most.
Our development programmes are run by our own, local staff or by local, trusted partner organisations. We are in regular contact with the experts at the local offices and regularly perform monitoring trips to the programme areas. Externally led evaluations are done on a regular basis and these tell us how the work in the area has advanced. We also support communities so that they may better know and uphold their own rights.
75 % of resources are used for programs that benefit children, families and communities in need. 20 % of resources are used for communications and fundraising and 5 % for administration.
World Visoin Finland is a non-profit organization, so all of the profits are put back into the programmes or is invested into growing the budget for the following years.
You deserve to know how your donations have changed lives for good; that is why we’re transparent about our expenses and are always prepared to share this with you.
We closely monitor the use of our funds and how successful the development programmes are. Our account auditing process is thorough and performed on an annual basis by KPMG, who also audit e.g. our operational report for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Locally authorized auditors also perform the account audits for the local Word Vision offices.
There’s still so much we need to do. There are millions of children struggling to survive, who risk losing their childhoods, their families, and their hope. With your help, we can do even more; protecting children today and empowering them for tomorrow.
Donate, sponsor a child, give to an emergency, or consider a gift in your Will.
Through Child Sponsorship, you’ll be paired with a child in need. You’ll get to know the child through letters, photos and regular updates. You will help to transform their community, bringing food, shelter and safety. Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, 4 more children benefit, too:
Sponsor a child and change their life – and their whole community. You can choose your monthly donation sum, starting at 30 €.
Get more info in English about sponsoring a child by contacting our customer service: / phone: +358 96 818 300 (Mon–Thu, 10am–2pm).
Our immaterial gifts are life-changing charity gifts that you can gift your family and friends by helping those who need it. These gifts help vulnerable families, communities and children in the world’s toughest places, providing the essentials they need to survive and thrive. Choose charity gifts for birthdays, Christmas and other special occasions this year to provide the essentials needed to make life easier for vulnerable children around the world. Your gift can help provide school supplies that children desperately need for their education and clean drinking water to prevent illnesses caused by drinking dirty water. With the help of charity gifts, you’ll give the gift of life-saving essentials and supplies.
You can buy our gifts from our gift shop (in Finnish).
Donate to help children when they’re at their most vulnerable and to help them survive, recover from trauma, and rebuild a future. Children need your help. Donating even a small amount could make a big difference.
Suomen World Vision ry
Bank name: Danske Bank
IBAN: FI32 8000 1570 7681 36
Partnering with us is good for your business. Our partnerships can change the world. As well as helping to transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children, our partnership will give you opportunities to engage your staff, show your customers what your brand values are, and harness the power of business to impact children’s lives. World Vision Finland is open to innovative partnerships with corporations that share our mission.
You can partner with us through your business but also through philanthropy, your church, trust or foundation.
Ask for more details:
Hannele Pulliainen
Fundraising and Communications Director
Phone: +358 44 355 5225
Feel free to contact our customer service at any time. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you find the best option for you to donate or get involved.
If you suspect any misconduct or misuse of funds you can file a report in the World Vision Whistleblower Line or in the projects funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.